Fantasy Writer


Latest Release

The Rise of an Empire

In a scorching desert town where the sun’s glare is relentless, Brandon toils away at his father’s forge, longing for freedom from his father’s scorn. But when a chance encounter with a hungry thief leads him down a dangerous path, Brandon sees an opportunity to seize control of his destiny.

Reader Magnet Form

Welcome to my world!

– Jason Pfiffner

The Warlock Rebellion

No one can rule forever!

Randal, an impoverished street urchin armed with magic, becomes embroiled in a war against the oppressive Lord Thurn, which culminates in a climactic battle to liberate the downtrodden masses.

“I just finished reading the Warlock Rebellion and honestly, it’s books like yours that remind me why I fell in love with reading in the first place.”

Jocelyn Sanchez
book cover